
Saturday, December 06, 2003

So, the title of this blog reveals a little about what I consider to be my long term goal in life. I want to help advance humanities movement into a solar system community. Currently, I believe this requires work on launch vehicle systems. I have no desire to leave my current employer, but if I was to get involved with a current launch vehicle group, I would pick from the following group.

This is a list of groups I consider have a chance of really influencing the future of launch vehicle design and operations. I'm chatting with Kish (Who's he? If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand) and trying to fill out this list.

Armadillo Aerospace: John Carmacks project which reveals an openess completely absent in every aerospace project I've heard of.

Canadian Arrow: A group that found the complete plans for a V2 (referenced in the 50's by the americans as A4) rocket and are building it from scratch with currently available techniques and materials. Also the first group I saw talk about high altitude sky-diving.

Scaled Composites: Because Burt Rutan has inertia.

XCor Aerospace: These are mainly the same guys that worked on the guts of Gary Hudsons Rotary Rocket company. Together, I am sure they have established a good few decades of experience in designing and building rockets with very little money.

JAXA RVT Group: This group has been working quietly (cheaply) on Reusable Vehicle Technology. They are implementing something that looks a lot like the Kankoh-Maru Vehicle proposed by the Japanese Rocket Society.

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